Do your eyes glaze over when confronted with the terms “french roast,” “dark roast” and “medium blend?” Do you wonder if you’re using the right type of creamer, or if something better is available? If so, you probably don’t know that much about coffee. Don’t be intimidated, though, because this article will show you everything you want to know.
The human body needs at least four hours to eliminate caffeine. You should keep this in mind if you want to drink a cup of coffee before going to bed. It is best to drink a decaffeinated beverage if you need to go to sleep within the next few hours.
To make delicious coffee, good water is critical. You may want to use bottled water to make your coffee. Although you may spend a lot using this method, you will see a huge difference with the taste of your coffee. You may also want to get a water purifier if you don’t go the bottled water route. Filtered water can be a serious improvement over water straight from your faucet.
If you are planning to store coffee beans, keep them in a place that is close to room temperature. This will help to extend the longevity of the beans, so that no flavor is lost providing great-tasting coffee for a very long time. Storing coffee beans in temperatures too hot or cold can cause them to go stale faster.
After purchasing coffee it is important to properly store it for it to retain its freshness. If you will be using your coffee within a week, store it in an airtight plastic or glass container out of direct sunlight and away from heat. If it will be longer than a week before you will use it up, consider placing the coffee in the freezer.
To ensure that your coffee stays fresh as long as possible, avoid grinding all your beans at once. Once ground, heat and humidity will rob your coffee of the fragrant oils that provide much of its flavor. Instead, only grind the amount of coffee you will use for a day or two. Doing so will help you maximize the flavor of your beans.
If you want to be treated to a different flavor of coffee every morning, but you do not have the funds to make the daily trip to a cafe, you should try buying coffee creamer that has the flavors you want. They are not very expensive and you can use a different one every day to mix things up a bit.
Instead of drinking fruit drinks or sodas when you are preparing for your finals at school, try drinking a few cups of coffee. This will give you the amount of energy that you need to function well without the sugar, and is a great option to have for fall or winter nights when you are studying.
To get the ideal flavor from your coffee beans, the water needs to be just the right temperature. Boiling water is too hot and as a result will sap the more bitter oils from your beans. Alternately, water that is not hot enough will not brew all the flavor from your beans leaving you with a very bland coffee.
Many people use bacon soda to keep smells from permeating refrigerators, but used coffee grounds have the same effect. Coffee acts like a natural sponge, and it will absorb any odors it comes in contact with. This is why you should place a small dish of them in your refrigerator to keep odors at bay.
If you have trouble staying awake and have been buying those expensive energy drinks, you should start drinking coffee instead. Each energy drink contains about 100-150 milligrams of caffeine. You can get the same effect from drinking a cup of coffee or two, and you will not have to spend as much money.
Cappuccino is a popular coffee based drink that many people enjoy. It does not have a lot of caffeine, and comes in several delicious flavors. It is quite sweet, and is high in calories unless you choose the low-fat version. Many convenience stores and gas stations have cappuccino machines so you can enjoy a cup on the road.
If you are grinding your own coffee, the medium grind is preferable for regular purposes. It works great for the home drip brewer. It should be around the consistency of common table salt when you are done. Practice with your own machine until you learn what produces flavors you prefer.
To get the cleanest taste and the least negative effects from your coffee habit, consider trying organic coffee. Because coffee beans absorb the flavor of virtually everything, they are exposed to, those that are processed with chemicals tend to have a muted or distorted flavor. On the other hand, organic coffee beans offer a very clean and pure brew.
The water you are using when brewing your coffee maters. Does the water from your tap taste a little funny? If you use it in your coffee, your coffee will taste a bit off as well. If taste is an issue for you, try using filtered water to brew coffee.
If you have a cup of coffee left over, pour it into the ice cube tray and freeze it. Put your coffee cubes into a glass of iced coffee so as to prevent it from getting watered down. They are also great for cocktails and for cooling piping hot coffee.
Drink coffee in moderation. Too much coffee, like anything else, can be bad for you. It can give you the shakes and raise your blood pressure. You don’t want that. One or two cups a day is safe for most people. If you’re not sure how much is safe for you to drink, see your physician.
Don’t let lack of knowledge keep you from going forward. Although brewing coffee may seem hard, with enough practice, it gets easier. Take what you have learned here and before you know it, your coffee will be the talk of the town!