Are you a novice when it comes to wine? Are you clueless about the difference between red and white wine, aside from color? Do wine ages confuse you? If you answered yes to these questions, then you’re in luck. There is enough information in this article to make you a wine expert.
All wines do not taste good while at the same temperature. White wines are better when they are cold, while red wines should be a little below room temperature. Drinking them at the wrong temperature can change the way they are supposed to take, which may change your overall opinion.
The longer you keep the white wine in the fridge, the more the coldness will affect both its smell and taste. Therefore, it is best to only chill wine for several hours prior to serving. This will maximize the taste and enjoyment that you will receive from each bottle you drink.
A good tip when trying to research wines is to find a critic or expert that has a similar palate to you. Everyone’s tastes are different and that includes critics. Try to find a critic that likes similar wines and you’ll be amazed with all the new wines you’ll be introduced to.
If you tend to drink wine with your meals and find you are starting to get headaches afterward, try reducing your wine intake. The sulfites in wine can cause headaches in some individuals. Drink only in moderation to avoid headaches.
Try going to a wine country to see how your preferred wines are created. These places are both scenic and educational regarding wine.
Wine is a popular accompaniment for your holiday gatherings, and it is important that you choose the right variety to complement your entree. Generally, white wine goes well with chicken, turkey or seafood, and red wine is the best choice when the menu features beef or pork as the main entree.
Instead of throwing out your last bits of wine, consider saving it for a marinade for dinner the next night. Take your wine, add some seasoning and place it in a bowl. Add your favorite piece of meat to the bowl and let it sit for several hours or even overnight. This will add delicious flavor to your next night’s meal!
A good tip when purchasing wine at the supermarket is to know how to pick out the right wine. In the wine aisle, you’ll often find a lot of huge jugs of wine. This type of wine isn’t very good so you’ll want to cross all of those off your list.
The real flavor of wine comes from the smell. Smell makes up about 90% of the overall taste of wine. The key to bringing this out in the wine is oxygen. When you pour a glass of wine, swirl it in the glass. This allows the wine to mix more readily with the oxygen around it, thus enhancing the flavor fully.
Ask if you can taste a few wines before buying. Most wine stores will offer tastings to their customers on a regular basis or set schedule. By trying a few varieties in the store, you can increase your chances of walking out with a bottle you really love. This is a better way to shop than buying blindly.
Most people cannot afford a wine cellar in their home, but that does not mean you cannot create an atmosphere that is conducive to storing a few great bottles of wine. Try to store you wine in a darker location where the temperature will remain fairly consistent. Doing this will preserve the quality of your bottles of wine until you are ready to drink them.
As you may already know, if you have an open bottle of wine, the oxygen can start to diminish the taste. However, if you place the bottle inside of the fridge, the cold can help relieve some of the reaction that air causes. This is a temporary fix and the wine will not last long.
Here is a little bit of wine history for you: wine has been around for as long as 7,000 years! Egyptians are the first civilization we know of to have records of drinking wine, and those date back to 2,500 B.C. They created wines much like we do today, including bottling the beverage and storing it.
If you need to save wine for another day, cork it and stick it in your refrigerator. The coolness in your fridge will help slow down all of the chemical changes happening in your wine. It’s best if you can finish that wine off within a day, otherwise you may find it tastes quite different than when you uncorked it.
White wine complements most seafood dishes, and can be used for cooking or to enjoy with the meal. It brings out the flavor of the sea. The seafood will also maximize the flavor of your white wine. It’s a winning combination.
If possible, buy your wine from small vineyards run by the same family from generation to generation. Larger vineyards usually care about earning high profits and selling to a large public while smaller vineyards will put the authenticity and the unique flavor of their wine first. You will often get better prices too.
After reading this article, you don’t have to be clueless about wine any longer. Wine is a great beverage that has existed for many years, and it’s about time that you started enjoying it. Remember this article when you want to get some wine and you’ll have a flavor experience that you’ve never seen before.