As you get older it is very important to maintain a good level of fitness. In this article we will show you different ways in which you can keep yourself in good shape. Apply the following advice on fitness to your every day life, so as you age, you can better adapt to the changes in your body.
Add music to your fitness routine. Listening to music on your iPod while working out will keep you going for much longer than if you are doing repetitive exercises in a quiet area. Music will make you feel energized and help you keep pace by following the beat. Put together a specific fitness playlist, featuring songs that you know will keep you on track.
Change up the exercises you do on a regular basis. This can make your fitness plan more interesting so that you don’t become bored with it day after day. Additionally, muscles can become too acclimated to certain exercises and you won’t continue to benefit as much from them.
Be accountable for the exercise you do. Try joining a gym just because spending the money makes you more likely to be there and using those resources. If you can’t join a gym, pair up with a friend or two so that you can support each other. Being accountable to someone or something makes you more likely to stick with your workouts.
Look for support all around you. It’s a lot easier to do a workout program when you are working with others. Check at your work, your neighborhood, even your monthly book club and see if anyone is interested in joining you on your fitness program. Having a partner makes the work even easier.
You can get the maximum back workout by doing your lat pulldowns and pullups properly. This means that instead of wrapping your thumb around the bar in your grip, place it on the top next to your index finger. What this does is decrease your arm’s involvement so that your back reaps the benefits of having to work harder.
You can increase the quality of your arm curls simply by using your workout towel as part of your sets. Wrap the dry towel all the way around the bar, make sure that you have a firm grip, then perform your reps and sets as usual. By increasing the thickness of the bar itself, you are making your forearm muscles work even more than usual.
Work your legs in reverse to get stronger legs. When it is time for your leg workout, do your lunges in reverse. Doing lunges this way, will force your front leg to workout through the entire exercise. You will use the same movements as in a regular lunge, but instead of stepping forward, step backward.
If you are about to start a new fitness regime and have not exercised before or in a long time, or have a medical condition of some sort that might be exacerbated by exercise, it is a good idea to see your doctor before you begin a program. Getting a medical check up will help ensure that you choose the most beneficial exercise program for yourself.
Keep track of your dirty and new fitness clothes by keeping the dirty ones in a bag separate from the clean ones. Keeping them separate makes them easier to find without having to dig through gross and smelly workout outfits. Then when the week is up, you can take the entire bag and wash them at once.
You should avoid trying to exercise when you are ill. If all of your symptoms are above the neck, you may still exercise if you want. If you are sick and working out, your body will be trying to heal itself. It will not be focused on building muscle and endurance. If you are sick, it is best to stop exercising until you are better.
Test any workout bench before using it. Apply pressure to the bench with your thumb to test for adequate padding. Look for another seat if you feel wood or metal under the padding.
In any kind of football, most people have trouble trying to shake their defender when going out to catch the ball. A good tip to do this is to stay as close as possible to him, then shorter your strides to allow you to cut in and out easier to catch the ball.
Do not let any excuse come between you and your workout. Even if you are away from home and the gym, you can still find ten minutes to walk up and down stairs, or jog around a parking lot. Letting something stop you from working out is putting yourself on the path of quitting. Don’t do it!
Keep a good pace! Reciting the alphabet can get you on your way to being in great physical shape. How? A simple way to know if you are exercising at the correct pace is to say the letters out loud – if you cannot say them without puffing – you are working too hard! Working too hard can lead to strain.
As was discussed in the beginning of this article, as you age your body will go through many changes. It is very important to understand that as we age it becomes harder to maintain your fitness level. Apply the advice from above, and you will live a life with a lot less aches and pains.