What could offer a better boost than a fresh and flavorful cup of coffee? You might want to have coffee on ice instead of warm coffee, any time of day! Coffee can enjoyed in many ways, shapes and forms. Below you’ll find coffee tips and tricks to help you get started.
Put your coffee in the fridge. After you have exposed roasted coffee beans or grinds to fresh air, the flavor can deteriorate quickly. Actually, a large amount of flavor is lost within seven to ten days. Keeping your coffee in the fridge after you have opened the can keeps it fresh longer.
If you want fancy latte decorations without a fancy latte price, you can try making your own. There are various guides online that can get you started. With some practice, you can make latte art as good as any barista using milk and melted chocolate. You will not only save money by creating beautiful latte designs, but you’ll impress your guests too.
When you are done with your coffee grinds, do not throw them away. What many people do not know is that used coffee grinds have many uses. They can be used for gardening, getting hardened food off your dishes and removing foul smells. Simply put them in a ziploc bag and put it in a cabinet.
If you store your coffee in the fridge, make sure the container in which it is stored is absolutely airtight. If it is not airtight, your coffee will absorb odors from the refrigerator. If coffee is stored for too long a time in the wrong container, moisture can get into the coffee.
If you want the best iced coffee that you have ever had, you need to brew the coffee cold. If you do try to make hot coffee cold, you can end up with a pretty awful brew. If you start your brewing right before bedtime, you will have delicious iced coffee for your morning commute.
Avoid purchasing beans that come in cans or in vacuum-sealed bags. Coffee beans need to be protected by valve-sealed bags to remain fresh. Besides, valve-sealed bags allow the carbon dioxide that emanates from the beans to escape, which means the beans will retain all their flavor and stay fresh longer.
To get the broadest exposure to different coffee types, consider participating in a tasting. This is a low-cost way for you to try a wide variety of beans. Tastings also give you the opportunity to see how each bean is best brewed. Do not be afraid to ask your barista for other recommendations based on what you like or dislike.
Get used to cooler coffee if you have recently had a baby. Active infants usually need your hands on them pretty often to keep them safe and loved. Finishing a cup of coffee with a baby around can take a lot longer than you think, so find a way to live with room temperature coffee, or switch to an insulated mug.
If you have an active baby that requires your attention so much that you are never able to finish a cup of coffee at home, locate a drive-through coffeeshop about ten or fifteen minutes away. You and the baby can go for a nice ride while you sip on your refreshing drink.
Do you prefer artificial sugar with your coffee? These products can alter the flavor of your coffee and make it taste blend. You should try drinking black coffee or using raw sugar for optimal flavor. If you absolutely must sweeten your coffee, limit the amount of sweetener you use to no more than half a packet.
To get the cleanest taste and the least negative effects from your coffee habit, consider trying organic coffee. Because coffee beans absorb the flavor of virtually everything, they are exposed to, those that are processed with chemicals tend to have a muted or distorted flavor. On the other hand, organic coffee beans offer a very clean and pure brew.
Always utilize cold water inside a coffee brewer that drips. Avoid using hot water in this type of machine. The water will warm as your coffee is brewed. If you brew your coffee in hot water, you are likely to burn the coffee grounds. That will make a bad tasting cup of coffee and might also be unsafe.
Do not leave coffee, in the pot, sitting on the burner for a long time. The heat from the burner can scald the coffee very quickly. This so affects the flavor of the coffee that reputable coffee shops pour out any coffee that has been sitting on a burner for 20 minutes.
If you love the great taste of freshly brewed coffee, stay away from the grocery store. The beans you can grind on the coffee aisle say “fresh,” but have been sitting there for quite some time. Instead, go directly to the roaster’s website. Many places will ship your beans within a day or two of roasting, giving you maximum freshness!
If you’ve got a little extra coffee, freeze it using ice cube trays. Use these coffee cubes in iced coffee to prevent your drink from tasting watery and bland as the ice melts. You can also use them to flavor cocktails, or in hot coffee so you can drink it sooner.
To allow for proper water penetration in your coffee grounds, be sure to indent them. Take your index finger and add a small dimple to the middle of your grounds. It should be about an inch and a half deep. That indent will allow the water to evenly penetrate the grounds that reside at the bottom of your cone.
If you are a fan of iced coffee, always brew your coffee strong. The reason for this is when you add ice to the coffee, it waters it down. This is the same for people who like coffee shakes. When you put the ice in the blender with the coffee, you are essentially diluting your brew. So always start strong with iced coffee.
There are millions of people who enjoy coffee each morning. If you too are such a person, you already know how great coffee can be. Use this advice to make great-tasting coffee and to find new flavors you will enjoy.